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Directory of Browsers Freeware!



Netsurfer Browser
NetSurfer Browser is an Internet Browser which makes your Internet 'travels' easier since it's enhanced with many features that you won't find in other browsers.

This version of NetSurfer includes among others: the latest bookmarking system which can read your bookmarks from other browsers (Internet Explorer and Netscape are currently supported), an advanced bookmark editor that can encrypt, print bookmarks, convert the bookmark file into simple HTML, display your comments for each bookmark and more, a new WebInfo panel which provides you with all the information you need while netsurfing, a MiniSurfer which allows you to open a small browser inside the page you are viewing(browser in browser technology!), built-in web page translation options and instant messaging to ICQ network users and many more features that you will soon find out!

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The Freeware Directory contains Browsers, software companies, businesses, internet sites, and developers offering downloads of business and internet applications, file and system utilities, games, graphic and computer programs for PC's, Handhelds, and PDA's.

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