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Directory of Personal Information Managers Freeware!



Digital sticky notes for your desktop with TCP/IP-network support. Available in English, French, Spanish, and German.

ActiveNote puts your notes onto your screen. In former times, there where always too less notes available and important thoughts where sent to the mental nirvana. Now, there is ActiveNote, helping you to get an overview. You can interact directly with other Windows-programs - no more typing errors with Email-addresses or Internet-URLs. If you what to convert your note into an "real" document later, you needn't type it again but just save the note in the chosen format. Take a paper, note your thoughts and put (save) it anywhere. On your desktop or wherever you want - and, thanks to the document "Search"-feature, you even find your notes again.

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The Freeware Directory contains Personal Information Managers, software companies, businesses, internet sites, and developers offering downloads of business and internet applications, file and system utilities, games, graphic and computer programs for PC's, Handhelds, and PDA's.

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